Precipitous labor is when a baby is born within three hours of regular contractions starting. No one knows for sure what causes it. Some factors may increase a woman's chances of precipitous labor, such as having a fast labor before, high blood pressure or having a small baby.
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Precipitous labor (or rapid labor) describes labor that’s quick and short. If you have a precipitous labor, your baby is born within three hours of regular contractions starting. Contractions are when your uterine muscles tighten and relax to help push your baby out. Typical labor lasts between six and 18 hours on average. While fast labor might sound better than labor that lasts several hours (or days), precipitous labor comes with risks to both the birth mother and baby.
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Precipitous labor is when your baby comes within three hours of your first regular contraction. Some healthcare providers consider precipitous labor to be anything less than five hours.
The symptoms of rapid labor vary. However, it’s likely to include one of the following:
With normal labor, contractions start slowly and are weak. They are hard to predict and may occur at irregular intervals. This process can last hours or even days. In precipitous labor, the slow and weak contractions never happen. You may experience fast, intense contractions almost from the get-go.
No one knows for sure what causes precipitous labor, however, some factors may increase your chances for rapid labor.
Several factors can increase your risk for precipitous labor:
Talk to your healthcare provider if you think you might be at risk for precipitous labor. They can review your medical history and help determine if you need to take precautions.
Rapid labor is unplanned and not how most mothers expect their birthing experience to happen. This loss of control can be hard to handle, both physically and emotionally. Because it all happens so fast, you may have trouble getting to the hospital and be too late for pain medication or an epidural. This can make for a scary and chaotic delivery.
Other complications for the birth mother include:
Difficulties for the baby include breathing in meconium, infection due to delivery in an unsterile area or injury.
There’s a chance precipitous labor is more painful, but it depends on several factors. Some reasons it may hurt more include:
You may not be able to control how fast your labor is, but there are some things you can do to cope with precipitous labor:
How quickly you go into labor is usually out of your control. If you’ve had precipitous labor, you may be wondering how you can prepare. The best thing you can do to prepare for a fast labor is to have your hospital bags packed and ready to go several weeks before your due date. You should pack things you’d need if an emergency delivery is required. These items could include hand sanitizer or other antibacterials, several towels and blankets, diapers and extra clothes.
If your healthcare provider feels you’re at extremely high risk for precipitous labor, they may suggest an early induction. This is up to you and your provider based on your health history and other factors unique to your pregnancy. Inductions come with risks as well. It’s best to discuss your options with your provider if you’re concerned about precipitous labor.
One study shows that precipitous labor occurs in about 3% of all births. You’re more likely to deliver your baby preterm if you have precipitous labor.
Precipitous labor can make your birthing experience even more unpredictable than you thought. While a super quick labor and delivery might seem nice, there can be complications for both you and your baby. If you’re worried about having precipitous labor, talk to your obstetrician about your medical history to see if you’re at risk. Precipitous labor isn’t very common, but it’s always good to be prepared for it anyway.
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Last reviewed on 10/07/2022.
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